

One Man’s Opinion

One Man’s Opinion

Perhaps with some exceptions. from about the middle of November until the end of December, we find ourselves in a time that is called by many the most wonderful time of the year. It is also referred to by some as being a magical time. I suppose that when you think about it, it is a time of both. It is a time in which, if only for a little while, the burdens and cares of this life just don’t seem to be quite as heavy as they are at other times. It just seems that people are drawn together in a spirit of love, goodwill and unity and at least for a few days’ thoughts of God and His Son Jesus dwell in the hearts of many people.

While I have reservations about some of the traditions connected with this magical time, I am thankful for the spirit of love, kindness, generosity and forgiveness that abounds in this most wonderful time of year. It is truly a time when people are lifted up emotionally and with some exceptions, joy and happiness fill the hearts of men, women and children everywhere.

So, enjoy this wonderful time of year with family and friends but as you do, never forget that true and lasting happiness does not come from any of the temporal celebrations of this life. True and lasting happiness comes only from the many spiritual blessings that come from our God and they will bring to us joy and happiness far beyond that which any of the celebrations of this wonderful time of year or any other time of year can bring (Proverbs 10:22, Proverbs 28:20. Ephesians 1:2-3, 2 Peter 2:2-4).

We have a God who loved(s) us so much that He sent His Son to live in this world so that all who believe in Him would not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16, Rom. 5:8, Heb. 5:8-9) We have the priceless of blessing of having a Savior who has prepared for us a dwelling place in the wonderful city of God (John 14:1-3, 2 Cor. 5:1-9). As a child of God, we have the priceless blessing of having been rescued from the kingdom of darkness and transferred to the kingdom of God’s dear Son (Col. 1:12-14). We should be celebrating everyday of our life the precious promises God makes to us in Philippians 4:6-7 and Hebrews 4:16. If you don’t remember what these two passages promise, look them up, think seriously about them and then be on your knees thanking God for them.

I hope that this wonderful time of year, this magical time will be for you a time of joy, happiness and peace. Enjoy celebrating with family and friends but as you do keep in mind that you dwell on this earth as a temporary resident. There is not a celebration taking place during this most wonderful time of year that can even begin to compare to the celebration that will be ours when we are welcomed to our eternal home. Yes, enjoy and celebrate this most wonderful time of year. Enjoy your life at all times of the year but do not at any time get so caught up in earthly celebrations along with pursuit of material, physical things that you forfeit your place in the city whose builder and maker is God (2 Corinthians 5:1-9).

For what it is worth, this is one man’s opinion!

Charles Hicks, Gallatin Tennessee