


One of the things Christians have to do to live more like God's Son and be closer to our Father is to SET THE PROPER VALUES in life.  We live in a world and culture that has values much different than those we need must develop.  Take all you can (materially) no matter who gets hurt.  Use whatever means you have to gain materially wealth in whatever way possible or available for you.  These are the values most worldly folks use.  Success is to have the most wealth and climb the highest ladder at your disposal.  But, as Christians, our standard is much different.  Jesus sets that standard, provides us a way to set our own as much like His as possible; to learn and obey His teachings in the New Testament.   

I believe two primary things are needed to help accomplish this -- FOCUS AND PRIORITIES.  Unless we learn to overcome the constant influence of the world(and the standard it sets), we will fail to set the proper standard for ourselves.  Think for a moment what Jesus said in part of the Sermon on the Mount, as we know it:

"But SEEK FIRST HIS KINGDOM, AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS; and all these things shall be added to you." (Matthew 6:33)

Jesus has set the standard for us - to SEEK, that is earnestly work to gain, the spiritual things He has given, before the things of a physical nature.  That does not mean we deny our physical obligations, but that we learn to FOCUS AND SET PRIORITY on His teachings (learning and obeying His Word), prayer, and meditating on things above.  Notice what He ends this passage with in the next verse:


"Therefore do not be ANXIOUS (WORRY) for tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." (Matthew 6:34)

Earlier in this same chapter (Matthew 6) He said, "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves TREASURES IN HEAVEN where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your TREASURE IS, there will your heart be also.'"  (Matthew 6:19-21)  

 This passage tells us there are two kinds of treasures - worldly (earthly) or those in heaven.                                                                                                                             

 We find a good example of a man who set his priorities on earthly gain in Luke chapter 12.  Please notice that example, and the result of his foolishness:

"But God said to him, "YOU FOOL! ! This very night your soul is required of you, and now who will own what you have prepared? So is the man who lays up treasures for himself, and is not RICH TOWARD GOD." (Luke 12:20,21) 

This man set his priorities on his earthly gain, and failed to store up any treasures in heaven, thus not being prepared for the most important thing he owned -- his SOUL. 

Finally, let us look at one other warning given by the Apostle Paul to the young Timothy. 

"Instruct those who are rich in this present world not to be conceited or to FIX THEIR HOPE on the uncertainty of riches, but ON GOD, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy. Instruct them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they MAY TAKE HOLD OF THAT WHICH IS LIFE INDEED."(1Timoty 6:17-19)

You probably have heard these things taught in sermons on many occasions; but as the Inspired writers remind us we always need to be reminded of those things which may cause any to give in to the evil one.  Satan always is always working to cause us to weaken and one of the tools he often uses is that of greed, covetousness, and those things taught by the ones around us, in the world.  Let us listen to our Savior, and not the world. 
