

Let Down Your Net

Luke 5:5 " thy word I will let down the nets"

One of my favorite passages concerning a trusting faith in the Lord centers around an event in the life of Peter recorded in Luke 5:1-8. Peter and his companions have fished all night and are now washing their nets. Jesus tells him to "put out into the deep and drop his nets for a catch". Peter responds by saying "we toiled all night and took nothing but at thy word I will let down the nets". It is my firm conviction that in his response Peter is saying to the Lord, "I rely on your word and I will do whatever you tell me to do". When he did this he caught such a great number of fish that his nets were breaking and the boat was so heavy with fish it began to sink.

My friends, it is truly amazing what the Lord can and will do for those who will place themselves into his hands and do whatever he tells them to do. There just is no end to the blessings the Lord will bestow upon those who take him at his word. trusting and relying on him (Rom. 8:31; Rom. 8:28; Psalms 23; John 14:27 ).   We must be careful not to let anything overshadow the many wonderful blessings the Lord has bestowed upon us.   

Reflecting on our lives we will see and even feel some of those times when our hearts were burdened with some problem but on the other hand, we will find ourselves smiling as we see and feel those moments when joy, peace and contentment filled our heart (Phil. 4:6-7). A warm feeling of happiness will envelope us as we think about family and friends we have been blessed with over the years. Joy and thankfulness will sweep down over our souls as we think about the love God has so richly bestowed upon us (John 3:16; Rom. 5:8; 1 John 3:1-3; Col. 1:12-14). How many of us will or can even truthfully say as did Peter, "Lord, at your word I will do whatever you say ". O for a trusting faith that will not shrink, one that will rely on the Lord and always do what he says must be done.

I leave you with these words spoken by Jesus  to two blind men: "It shall be done to you according to your faith (Matt. 9:29). If the Lord should say these words to you as you stand before him in judgment, will your eternal destiny be heaven or hell?

Charles Hicks, Gallatin Tennessee