There are several reasons we as Christians need to THINK THE WAY GOD THINKS! Since we are made in His image, and in His likeness(Genesis 1:27; 5:1), we know we are special in His eyes, and therefore have some responsibilities to fulfill. God has given us a standard to live by -- HIs own Son, who lived as a man, sinless and taught us our standard of life. We have a complete guide in the New Testament that reveals all He asks us to do-- for us now and to be ready for eternity at the end of this short life. (2 Peters 1:3,,4) Let's think of some things we need to consider to THINK THE WAY GOD THINKS.
1. First, we need to FEAR GOD, as the wise Solomon wrote in the book of Ecclesiastes: "The conclusion, when all has been heard, is FEAR GOD AND KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS, because this applies to every person. Because God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, WHETHER IT IS GOOD OR EVIL. " (Ecclesiastes 12:13,14)
To FEAR GOD is to respect, and reverence Him as our Creator, Sustainer and Savior. This ought to cause us to want to please God. Only by obeying and trusting in Him and His promises can we have the hope of a home with Him and His Son in eternity. (1 Peter 1:21)
2. Second, we must learn to SEE SIN AS HE DOES. God has no part with sin, nor will He ever just "brush it aside". Sin, as God has so many times shown us, has to be accounted for. However, many folks, I think, don't consider the terrible seriousness of sin. Throughout history man has committed sin, and according to God have always paid hard consequences for it. In the Garden sin separated Adam and Eve from God. The prophet Isaiah (chapter 59:2) tells us "sin separates us from God". In the Roman letter Paul wrote these words:
"For the wages of SIN IS DEATH, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23)
After sin entered the world man lost fellowship with God. Something had to change for that to be restored. Therefore, God did what man could not -- sent a sacrifice from heaven (His only Son) to be that sacrifice for our sins. (Matthew 1:21)
3. CHOOSE SALVATION WHILE TIME IS AVAILABLE. Listen to our Lord, Jesus, and obey the things He has provided in the New Testament.(Matthew 28:19-20)
God's Son gave His life to make it possible for us to be saved from sin. God provided all the necessary elements to make salvation possible.
Jesus did His Father's will by going to that terrible cross, gave his life, and was raised after three days. He is now in heaven ruling over His Kingdom, the church He built. (Matthew 16:18,19; Acts 2:46-39) This is exactly what those Jews did in Jerusalem when the gospel plan was first preached by Jesus' apostles. Notice in this same chapter verse 47: ".And the Lord was adding to their number (the church He built) day by day those who were being saved." (Acts 2:47)
Those people, just as we today, heard the gospel word preached, obeyed by repenting of sin, confessing Jesus as the Son of God, and being baptized into His body -- the church. Then living a life of obedience to the teaching in the New Testament, the Truth Jesus had promised to send by way of the Holy Spirit to His apostles. (John 14, 16)
4. BE READY WHEN JESUS COMES AGAIN...Jesus promised His apostles before going back to heaven, he would COME AGAIN. (John 14:1-3)
"And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once, and after this comes judgment; so Christ also , having been offered once to bear the sins of many, SHALL APPEAR A SECOND TIME, NOT TO BEAR SIN, TO THOSE WHO EAGERLY AWAIT HIM, FOR SALVATION.” (Hebrews 9:27,28)
Are we listening to His Word, and obeying to be part of His family -- those saved from sin, and living a life of faith? Faith is a process of learning and obeying what we learn. Faith is also teaching others the plan God has so lovingly sent to us -- He wants all to be in heaven, but its up to us to choose His way and to THINK THE WAY GOD DOES. If so do we can look forward to an eternal home with Him and the faithful. The choice is up to each of us. Thank you for listening.