The Golden Years
The Golden Years
All of my life I have heard a certain time in life referred to as “The Golden Years” and I suppose that is a good way under most circumstances to speak about the later years of life. But let me ask you, how would you describe or define those golden years? I once decided to look into this and I found a number of ways those years are described. One man said, “they are the time of life after 65, often referred to as being over the hill; another said, “this is a term used by old folks who are so attached to their youth that they will not admit that they are old, wrinkly and senile”; still another said, “they are time past, looked upon through failing sight of later years as being much happier and safer than they actually were, often referred to as the good old days.” Of course, all of these are humorful descriptions, albeit there is perhaps a measure of truth in all of them. That, notwithstanding, allow me to tell you how I view “The Golden Years”.
Having just turned 89 years of age I know that the golden years mark a time in which there are so many things I would like to do, but the strength to do them has faded away. These are years in which because of our frail bodies, aches and pains are our constant companions. These are years in which we often find ourselves looking back and thinking about loved ones and friends who have already folded up their earthly tent. It is a time when tears flow more easily from our eyes.
But, on the other hand, I believe the “golden years” are for the faithful child of God, a time in which their faith and commitment to the Lord is stronger than it has ever been. The difficulties of these years may sometimes be a burden but they are never a hindrance in our walk with the Lord. With the eye of faith, we look forward with great anticipation to that moment when we will fly away to God’s celestial shore and live forever in the land where there will be no “golden years” in the way man thinks.
Just knowing that on the day when this earthly tabernacle is dissolved, we have a home not made with hands, one that is eternal in the heavens (2 Cor. 5:1-2), makes these golden years so much easier to bear. With all our being, we should be reaching forth to that which lies in front of us, knowing that if we set our affections on heavenly things, the best is yet to come (Phil. 3:13-14, Col. 3:1-2, Rom. 12:1-2, 2 Cor. 5:4-10, Rev, 21:1-5).
For those of us who have reached the golden years, I venture to say that the journey has been an exciting and adventurous one. We are keenly aware that with every tick of the clock, with every sunrise we are brought a little closer to that moment when we will step out into eternity to live forever in the land where we’ll never grow old. I know that many who now read these words are still in those younger years of life and I pray that you will prosper and be in good health but above all I pray your souls will prosper because without soul prosperity, all temporal prosperity, all the good health is nothing more than a curse. Enjoy the younger years on this side of eternity but never forget, the Lord willing, you too will one day find yourself in the golden years of life so live today in a way that will make those years much easier for you also.
Charles Hicks, Gallatin Tennessee